Tim Poteete, the Museum's Living History Interpreter, has spent the last two days in Wichita Falls meeting with teachers and delivering posters to all the public schools he can. He wanted to be sure everyone down that way knew about the upcoming Spring Encampment. The program would make an excellent end of the year excursion following end of the year testing. Several schools have already made reservations, but we still have room for more. We can accommodate around 100-125 students per hour, because we have several re-enactors who can each present to 25-30 students. We have excellent re-enactors. Every time I stop to think about them, I feel so completely indebted to them, with no chance in sight of ever being able to pay them back for the service they provide. They are so knowledgeable of the 1830s -1840s Southern Plains history. Our community is extremely lucky to have them.
We're also lucky to have support from the National Endowment for the Arts, the Oklahoma Arts Council, the Lawton Arts and Humanities and the City of Lawton.
Looks like you are still keeping up the good work.