Thursday, March 24, 2011

Nina Simom's Museum 2.0

If you're a friend of mine on Facebook then you already know how much I love Nina Simon's work. Her philosophy is new, active and connects museums to a larger audience than the ole stuffy museum mindset of the past.
Below is a letter Nina wrote in repsonse to "recent articles about museums by Arianna Huffington (on museums and new media) and Ed Rothstein (on museums and ethnic identity)."

"I have a very hard time imagining that anyone, even an incredibly knowledgeable media-maker such as Huffington, can fairly arbitrate what is and isn't the "right" kind of connection. If you gasp when you see an artifact, I snap a photo, and another visitor texts her friend about the experience, is one of us doing it wrong?" Nina Simon

Open Letter to Arianna Huffington, Edward Rothstein, and Many Other Museum Critics

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